Last updated: 3/22/2025, 12:25:04 PM
Recently Checked Tokens
Detailed Token Analysis
BITCOIN MAGAZINE (BTCM) is a cryptocurrency token deployed on the BASE blockchain. The token's smart contract source code has been verified and is publicly available for audit.
Our analysis indicates that BITCOIN MAGAZINE has characteristics of a honeypot token. Trading this token carries significant risks, and users should exercise extreme caution.
Market Information
The token has a total supply of 1,000,000,000 BTCM. Currently, there are 4 unique holders of this token. The current price is $0.0₍4₎2746 per token.
The 24-hour trading volume is $0.0197, with a total liquidity of $21,970 across supported exchanges.
Security Analysis
Key security features identified in BITCOIN MAGAZINE:
Trading Restrictions
The following trading features and restrictions are present:
Tax Information
BITCOIN MAGAZINE implements the following tax structure:
- Buy Tax: 0.0%
- Sell Tax: Unable to determine
- Transfer Tax: 0%
Ownership Analysis
Contract ownership is currently active, giving the owner access to administrative functions.
The token creator holds 0.000001% of the total supply.