Last updated: 3/20/2025, 12:29:07 AM
Recently Checked Tokens
Detailed Token Analysis
Geopolitics (GEO) is a cryptocurrency token deployed on the ETH blockchain. The token's smart contract source code has been verified and is publicly available for audit.
Our analysis indicates that Geopolitics has characteristics of a honeypot token. Trading this token carries significant risks, and users should exercise extreme caution.
Market Information
The token has a total supply of 0.0₍4₎3333 GEO. Currently, there are 12 unique holders of this token. The current price is $0.0634 per token.
The 24-hour trading volume is $0.0₍12₎, with a total liquidity of $0.0₍9₎366 across supported exchanges.
Security Analysis
Key security features identified in Geopolitics:
Trading Restrictions
The following trading features and restrictions are present:
- Blacklist functionality enabled - specific addresses can be blocked from trading
- Whitelist functionality enabled - only approved addresses can trade
- Anti-whale measures implemented - maximum transaction limits apply
- Trading can be paused by the contract owner
Tax Information
Geopolitics implements the following tax structure:
- Buy Tax: 0.0%
- Sell Tax: Unable to determine
- Transfer Tax: 0%
- Warning: Tax rates can be modified by the contract owner
Ownership Analysis
Contract ownership is currently active, giving the owner access to administrative functions.
The token creator holds 0.955830% of the total supply.